Indie Spotlight: Neverending Nightmares

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    About a week ago we mentioned an Indie Spotlight was coming up soon. Since we always try to be true to our word, here is our latest Indie Spotlight: Neverending Nightmares. The Developer asked that we do not spoil the story by giving too much away. They would like us to basically tell you about the game without actually mentioning too many pertinent details and ruining the plot… so this made this particular spotlight a bit of a challenge. A long paragraph was written and then deleted simply because too much information was contained within it. What you see here is our best attempt to tell you the virtues of the game without actually saying anything at all.


    Neverending Nightmares is different than most games I have played. It’s a terrifying psychological horror game inspired by the Developer's own battle with mental illness. The Developer, Matt Gilgenbach, is very open about his ongoing struggle with obsessive - compulsive disorder and depression. It’s also a game where I was never quite sure what was going on or why I was doing something. Regardless of the eerie or slightly confusing circumstances, it didn’t make me want to stop. I always felt the need to press on doing whatever it was I was doing or continuing to look for whatever I was looking for. It’s driven by an oppressive atmosphere and for the most part is a wordless story. On occasion there is a brief exchange of dialogue that leaves you a bit confused but that was the intent. It is actually a rather novel and interesting way to tell the story.


    The entire game is in black and white for the most part and looks hand drawn with pen; color is only used for dramatic effect or to draw your attention to interactive objects. This actually adds to the game play because it will point out details that you may miss if they were blended in with all the other colors.

    The actual game play itself is walking or running for short bursts though various locations. There is no combat and any type or kind of adversaries you encounter must be avoided. Sometimes this can pose quite a challenge. That may make it sound like Neverending Nightmares is a linear game with no real replay value but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The game is meant to be played over and over.


    The game has a branching narrative with multiple endings and multiple paths to those endings. I made it through one complete play by working to one of the endings. I am currently trying to find my way to a second ending. Since it will take me too long to discover all paths and all endings myself, I am going to have to cheat a little here and borrow some text from the Kickstarter to help fill in the gaps.


    Neverending Nightmares features a unique narrative structure where you keep waking up inside another nightmare. This redefines reality every time you wake up. Players will experience the mind-bending challenge of having to determine what is real and what is just a nightmarish manifestation of the main character's psychological state.

    In each nightmare, there will be different options or tasks that enable you to complete them. Depending on what you do or when you wake up, it will be into a different nightmare and the narrative will branch. Most games' branches converge back on the same story line quickly. In Neverending Nightmares, the narrative leads to several completely different endings that dramatically change the reality the main character will be waking up into.

    Since the game is designed for multiple playthroughs, a single playthrough will be relatively short - probably between 1-3 hours. You won't understand the full meaning of the game until you play through all the different paths and achieve all the endings. The developer expects the average player to play through the game 4-6 times, but there will be even more content for those who want to thoroughly explore the world of Neverending Nightmares and experience every possible outcome.


    Well there you have it, our best attempt to spotlight the game without actually telling you anything about it that might ruin your experience when you play it. It isn’t quite on Steam yet so you can't actually but it but you can play a Windows exclusive demo for it right now.

0 replies since 5/11/2014, 10:34   33 views